Katari Taiko

Katari Taiko operates as a collective whose goal is to develop a form of Asian Canadian culture that incorporates discipline, physical strength, grace, non-sexism and musical creativity. As the first taiko group to form in Canada, Katari Taiko hopes to inspire other Asian Canadians to explore their community and culture. In keeping with this desire, they have given workshops to groups in Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, Seattle, Victoria, and Kamloops. They also give regular open workshops in Vancouver to enable the general public to get a feeling for taiko and to serve as cultural exchange between Canadians of diverse ethnic backgrounds.

Katari Taiko is but one of the elements in the revival and current development of the Japanese Canadian community and culture. Members of Katari Taiko sit on the boards of various community associations, were active in the redress movement, and work as coordinators and volunteers at the Powell Street Festival, Vancouver’s annual Japanese Canadian celebration. Other members have been involved in historical and cultural publications as writers, editors, and researchers. As well, they feel a commitment to the broader community and have given their support as performers to women’s groups, the peace movement, environmental groups, and other local issues, such as native land claims.
